
Friday, July 6, 2012

What is your stance on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act?

After the release of the Supreme Court’s decision last Thursday to uphold the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Americans clearly had mixed feelings about the new law. This decision was met with both excitement and disappointment nationwide.

One week after the Supreme Court’s 5-4 ruling, one public opinion poll reported that 54% of American voters wanted the law repealed. MDLinx surveyed U.S. primary care physicians after the court ruling and found 64% of the physicians do not believe the Affordable Care Act will be able to achieve 100% effectiveness of health care coverage for Americans. The MDLinx survey revealed that 45.7% of primary care physicians are skeptical of the decision, whereas only 22% think the act will result in an extremely positive impact for their practices. However, KevinMD’s physician blogger Kevin Pho, M.D., stated that the court decision is one everyone should be happy with. Physicians can expect lower Medicare and Medicaid reimbursements. KevinMD also states the benefits of for patients, not only uninsured but also those most vulnerable in the U.S. He suggests that the benefits will be tangible for more than just progressive Americans.

What is your stance on the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act? Visit our Facebook page to weigh in. Are you in support of or against the ruling? Tell us why.


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