
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

5 Best and Worst States to Practice Medicine

The Best States to Practice Medicine:                   The Worst States to Practice Medicine:
5.) Georgia                                                             5.) Rhode Island
4.) Texas                                                                4.) Connecticut
3.) Arkansas                                                          3.) New York
2.) Mississippi                                                        2.) Maryland
1.) Oklahoma                                                         1.) District of Columbia

          Based on four separate criteria, and with the help of “Physicians Practice,” we have compiled a list of the 5 best and worst states in the United States to practice medicine. The factors taken into consideration include the cost of living index, the tax burden per capita, medical board disciplinary actions, and physicians per 1,000 residents, or the amount of competition in that area of the country. The cost of living index is one of the most important factors for some physicians, and on this graph is scaled with zero being the lowest and 16 being the highest. The next factor taken into consideration is the tax burden per capita represented by thousands in the graphs below. For example, Mississippi’s tax burden is $2,678 represented on the graph as 2.678. The third criterion is the disciplinary actions taken by the medical board measured per 1,000 physicians—the lower the number the better it is for physicians. To illustrate, in Maryland, for every 1,000 physicians, there are 2.55 disciplinary actions taken against practicing physicians. Lastly, we took the level of competition into consideration, or the number of physicians present per 1,000 residents in that area. In Texas, for instance, there are just over 2 physicians for every 1,000 residents.   

          The best and worst states to practice in were determined by taking the average of scores of all four categories. For instance, Oklahoma has an average score of 4.8 across all categories, the lowest of all while the District of Columbia has the highest average at 7.67. They are as follows: 


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