
Friday, November 18, 2011

Get to Know Fidelis Partners and Medestar!

Lori Vickers
     • Lori began her career in physician recruiting in 2006 as an associate to our CEO, Arthur. She worked directly with him for 18 months before venturing out on her own to handle her own account load. When Arthur, Michael and Vince founded Fidelis Partners, Lori made the transition with them, and is now a Senior Search Consultant.
     • Throughout her years in the industry, Lori has formed close relationships and friendships with the clients and hospitals she serves, and her favorite part of her job is being able to satisfy her client’s recruitment goals and bringing physicians to their communities.
     • Because of the strong bonds she has formed with her clients, Lori has received the “Recruiter of the Quarter” award here at Fidelis Partners.
     • Lori uses her many personal and professional strengths daily to serve her clients and physicians. She is a big picture person and operates from a place of longevity and long term growth allowing her to truly consult both client and candidate throughout the recruitment process. She is positive, understanding, and expects the very best from those around her. This attitude not only helps her clients and physicians, but also her peers at Fidelis Partners.

Personal Information:

Background information:
     • Lori was born in American Samoa; however, she grew up in the San Diego area after moving to California at age 5.
     • Lori graduated from UCLA with a major in English and a minor in Education. Growing up, Lori always thought she would be a teacher! Now she uses her background and love of teaching to volunteer at college fairs where she works with high school students to help get them to college by reading their scholarship essays.

In Her Free Time:
     • In her free time, Lori enjoys spending time with her husband and one year old son, Ryan.
     • Lori has a strong interest in politics, and enjoys traveling and reading in her free time.

Interesting Things You Probably Didn’t Know:
     • After Lori graduated from college, she drove her Ford Ranger pick-up truck across the country to Washington, D.C. where she worked for the U.S. House of Representatives for four years. Washington, D.C. is still her favorite city because of how fast paced it is and because of the people who live and work there. She enjoys how the city is jam packed with some of the most determined and motivated people who are out to conquer the world.
     • Lori has Security Clearance from the U.S. Department of Defense from when she worked on Capitol Hill in 2002.
     • Lori’s first language was Samoan, but when she moved to the U.S. she only spoke English in her household, so she no longer remembers how to speak Samoan.
     • Lori’s favorite quote is by Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be?”

Contact Lori For:
     - Permanent placement opportunities.
Connect with Lori:
     - LinkedIn profile
     - Apply to jobs
     - Email Lori


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